The Church has always played an important role in the social, spiritual and moral fabric of our society. As a religious institution, it is known for supporting people in difficult times and offering guidance. Unfortunately, there are always cases in which the church is misused for questionable purposes. One such sad practice is the mishandling of property by church officials. In this article we take a critical look at this phenomenon and its effects.

The abuse of church reputation:
The connection between the church and the real estate trade is a questionable venture. Because of its supposedly inviolable reputation, the church often enjoys a special level of trust and the state even grants tax advantages. However, this trust is strained when church officials use their office to conduct illegitimate real estate transactions. In some cases, church property is sold to third parties at inflated prices, while the proceeds do not benefit the church, but disappear into the pockets of individuals and of course no taxes are paid for this.

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Ethical concerns:
The church's property dealing also raises ethical questions. The church as a moral authority should actually concern itself with the well-being of the community and not with personal gains. However, by selling land at exorbitant prices, it not only endangers its own reputation, but also harms those who rely on the church's support and help. Unethical behavior on the part of the church can cause long-term damage to the trust and credibility of the institution.

Impact on society:
The misuse of the church for real estate trading also has an impact on Filipino society, which suffers from the resulting rising real estate prices and can hardly afford land. On the one hand, the sale of church property can result in the loss of important spiritual and social spaces. Churches often serve not only as places of religious worship, but also as community meeting places and cultural centers. The sale of these properties results in a reduction of these valuable spaces.

In addition, the church's abusive property dealings can also increase social inequality. When profitable properties are sold at exorbitant prices, many people's access to adequate housing or other opportunities for social participation becomes more difficult.

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The abuses in property trading by church representatives should not be ignored or tolerated and must be punished by the responsible judges and public prosecutors. It is vital that the church assumes its ethical responsibilities and ensures that its resources are used for the good of the community. At the same time, the public needs to be sensitized to better recognize and combat such practices.

In the attachments you will find a classic example of two "fake chirches" in the Philippines, which were founded exclusively for the illegal real estate trade and serve the continued, systematic fraud. In the present case, a German citizen is cheating not only on the Philippine state, but also his own compatriots. Manfred H. and Miwah O. operate a flourishing real estate trade on the island of Mindoro in Mansalay Barangay Cabalwa. Together with his wife and their Korean family, they do not shy away from cheating their own compatriots, to whom they sell houses without valid purchase contracts. If they want to sell their houses again, this can only be done through the church president Manfred H. and he then dictates the prices and the interested parties, who must by no means be Filipino, but preferably German or Korean.

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